Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On "Lioness" - Comments from a Friend

"Very few things leave me speechless, even temporarily. But I had to absorb the "Lioness" film for a day or two before I could try to articulate my thoughts and feelings about it. None of my initial impressions have changed, only deepened. I am increasingly awed by these women. As I am by any soldier who can function in a hostile and deadly situation. But the Lioness team did this with less training, less support, less mental preparation. That makes them braver and tougher in my book!

By the end of the film, the indignation had changed to outrage and anger. I was working right up to a slow boil. "How COULD they?" was the main idea in my head. Of course I should be used to the way that large organizations work. And soldiers are expected to put their lives on the line. But to ask them to do so without training and preparation is surely inhuman and criminal. In fact it was pointed out time and again that it was, in fact, against regulations to have them in those situations. But none of the people responsible for putting them there seemed willing to go a step further and make sure they had the necessary training. Because that was against the rules. WHAT??? There were far more people than Shannon Morgan's squad leader who needed a kick in the balls!

Evidently the commanders were able to recognize that the Lioness team members were important to these missions, rules or no rules. But they could write that off as something that "just happened". To train them properly would have been a blatant violation of the regs, and none of these leaders were willing to take that step. So they just let these soldiers go into combat situations without the information they needed. I listened to one woman talk about how she had to ask someone in her group how to operate some of the equipment and weapons. Another mentioned that she had not been briefed on the route and would have had no idea how to get back to command post if separated from the others. Impossible to lay all the blame on the commanders in the field, however, when it was clear that right up the chain of command and even to Congress, the People In Charge knew that this was happening.

Yesterday after we got back from a trail ride, I spent some time looking up articles about the Lioness missions and other information about women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. Over and over again it was pointed out that if the military followed the current policy on women in combat, it would seriously compromise their ability to function in some of these areas. Any reasonable person would think that the obvious answer would be to get that policy changed. Obviously women can function very well in combat situations. In fact, you can evidently send them into combat without the preparation necessary for men, and they will do a spectacular job. Also obviously, they are willing to do this for their team, their country. In other words, for us! So... I'm thinking of the phrase "ready, willing, and able". They are willing and MORE than able. The only thing missing is "ready". The only thing missing is the one step that these women can't perform for themselves.

I fear that the underlying misogyny in US culture has a part to play in this. Congressional members said repeatedly that "the American people" do not want women in combat. Why not? I'm an American, and personally I don't want anyone in combat. I agree that it's a horrible idea for a young woman to be shot, blown up, emotionally traumatized, or otherwise mangled in mind and body. Equally horrible to me if it were a young man. On the surface it sounds as if US citizens have a soft, protective attitude toward their women, doesn't it? But that is flatly contradicted by the amount of violent crimes committed against women here. Crimes not only poorly investigated and under-prosecuted, but often shrugged off as regrettable but sort of normal. The indifferent and sexist attitudes of our workplaces, our medical system, our law enforcement, our religious communities, our military, and very often our families, are pretty clear indicators that far from being respectful and protective of our women, we as a society are dismissive of their concerns as well as their contributions. The current policy concerning women in combat is an extension of that. After all, women can already vote, own property, file lawsuits, run corporations, etc. If they can also take part in armed combat, be afforded the same respect that a male soldier deserves, what grounds do we have for considering them the weaker and inferior sex? Well, we wouldn't have. And I think that may be the root of the problem. The American people don't want women in combat. For the most part they also don't want them in law enforcement, NASCAR races, CEO offices or other places traditionally occupied by men. However, if they do manage, against all odds and with far greater challenges than any man faces, to get into these roles, they are afforded a grudging amount of respect. So do we see these Lioness soldiers, taking part in missions alongside soldiers who have better training and better preparation, but still able to make an equal contribution. They aren't getting 1/1000th of the credit they deserve.

At one point in the film, some of the women were watching news clips of missions they had participated in. Over and over you hear the newscasters mention the bravery, skill, heroism of the "men" involved. The look on the women's faces was so painful to watch. They were there too, but they were deliberately, and in my mind cruelly, left out of the "recognition and admiration" part. For what it's worth, they have my wholehearted admiration. And a world of outrage on their behalf."

-- Melissa

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Flanders Fields

Little Rock National CemetaryIn Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
— Lt.-Col. John McCrae

Now playing: SHS_Concert_Choir_-_In_Flanders_Fields
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Women in Combat - "Lioness"

How did a group of female support soldiers-mechanics, supply clerks and engineers-end up fighting alongside the Marines in some of the bloodiest counterinsurgency battles of the Iraq war? Find out in Lioness, a film about female combat veterans.

From Meg and Daria, "We are thrilled to announce that Lioness will air nationally this week on Independent Lens/PBS. Most stations will be airing the film on Thursday November 13th at 9 pm but check your local listings as date/time may vary. Please tune in and help us spread the word!

Tuesday is Veterans Day, when we acknowledge those who have served in the military. This year there seems to be a lot of interest in talking about women veterans. We are happy to join this growing national conversation. You can see us on CNN's American Morning tomorrow bright and early. We will also be talking about women veterans and their issues on public radio, including on WBUR's On Point from 10 - 11 am (EST) and on KQED's Forum at 9 am (PST). The women in our film will be featured in a piece on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric on Tuesday evening. Finally, check out our video oped on the New York Times website; it will post Tuesday morning."

Post your thoughts about the film here or you can talk back by going to Also visit the website,, and post a comment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Demand Action for Our Veterans

View from Al Faw Palace

It's official. I have succeeded in posting something using my mobile phone. Watch out audience! I'm getting dangerous.

This picture was taken from Al Faw Palace, where I was attending a logistics conference. If you look closely, you can see an observation balloon in the background.

The New Cadre of War Reporters

The New Cadre of War Reporters from Nathan Long on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Monday, November 12, 2007

My Veteran's Day

Veteran’s Day was very special for me this year. This marks the first year that I was part of a ceremony and not just a member of the audience. On Friday I was my godson’s guest at his middle school Veteran’s Day assembly. The band played patriotic songs, the choir sang and the guests of honor were Pearl Harbor survivors and their spouses -- in some cases just their spouses. Retired Lt. Col. David Moffat of the Army Air Corps, the leader of the Central Arkansas Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, was the guest speaker. In his speech he relayed his experiences and observations of that day, December 7th, 1941, to all the students, faculty and guests attending the ceremony.

But before LTC (ret) Moffat spoke, those students who brought a guest veteran with them paraded out into the audience, gathered up their guest, escorted them to the front of the auditorium and introduced them. I was very proud to be my godson’s guest and to stand beside him as he introduced me. He’s an incredible kid and he is an important part of my life. I could not imagine my life without him in it.

At one point during the program, everyone in the audience who had a relative or friend currently deployed was asked to stand. When I turned to see who was standing, I was amazed at the number of middle school students who were no longer in their seats. At least 50 or 60 kids were on their feet. Simultaneously I heard a collective gasp from those who weren’t standing. The full reality of the growing affects, the ever expanding reach this war has had on our community struck the audience like a cold splash of water to the face.

During the school assembly, I was privileged to sit by a man who somehow miraculously survived D-Day and the assault on the beaches of Normandy. Incredibly, there were two Normandy survivors in the audience. What are the odds of two Normandy survivors being in that small audience on that day?

Along with them were several WWII survivors, numerous Vietnam Veterans, one of whom had received three purple hearts, and also Korean War Veterans. All branches of service were represented. It was an honor to count myself among the Veterans in that crowd, many of whom narrowly escaped death, and some who most assuredly performed laudable acts. Though they are certainly worthy of commendation, few sing their own praises. That is the purpose of these Veteran's Day ceremonies -- to honor them.

A recurring theme I have noticed among the veteran population is that very few veterans boast about their war experiences. In fact most feel that what they did was not extraordinary at all, that they were simply "Doing their job." The only thing they ask for is a simple, “Thank you.”

But one remark is frequently avowed by veterans who have worked in hostile, combat regions, areas which are often crawling with press representatives from all over the world. Most agree that, "There's a lot of good going on over there that you don’t see in the news.” And it’s true. My unit performed many humanitarian missions that were never reported by the press. There are countless instances of compassionate and charitable deeds that go unreported. They are not sensational and therefore, not newsworthy.

Veteran’s Day ceremonies were held all over the nation. And on Sunday, I observed another ceremony held by the local chapter of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, and other organizations in my community. Wreaths were presented, a bell was rung and a new monument was unveiled to honor those fallen in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Thankfully only two names are inscribed thus far, but there is space for more to be chiseled in if necessary. We can only hope and pray that space remains blank.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Realities of Deployment and Readjustment

I am an American Soldier and I was in a combat zone; and while I have no visible injuries, I am nonetheless forever changed. This is my reality.

Serving my country has always given me an incredible sense of pride. It still does. But this most recent deployment experience also opened my eyes to the effects that deployments, particularly those to hostile, unsympathetic environments, really have on service members and their families.

I worked in a very "no nonsense" environment overseas... and with slightly dysfunctional people, made this way from too many deployments. Deploying and returning home, time and time again, over the course of many years. The effect of which left some more than just a little unpredictable in their behavior and considerably idiosyncratic. They earned their mental scars, their divorces, their quirks, doing what they love the most. Serving their country.

We wrote the orders, policies and procedures for those Soldiers who performed the dangerous work of delivering goods and supplies along the roads of Kuwait and Iraq. The orders we gave and the plans we made sent them into harm's way on a daily basis. Most of what we asked the Soldiers to do, and what we oversaw, was "routine" to us and to the Soldiers. We were all desensitized to the realty of how unsafe our work really was.

After reading about 50 or so "Serious Incident Reports" every day for weeks at a time -- reports of shootings, injuries, IEDS -- you become immune to your own emotions. It's a job requirement. You cannot become histrionic every time something bad happens, or else we would be ineffective leaders and consequently those under us would be in greater danger than they already were if our emotions took over every time something distasteful happened, or the stress level rose a notch or two. While these are effective survival tactics in a combat zone, they are qualities that are not necessary at home in the United States. What is considered calm and rational in a hazardous duty area, often comes off as cold, callous and uncaring to family and friends.

The majority of Kuwait and Iraq that I visited was a horribly austere, dirty and noisy environment. There were smells and tastes lingering in the air that were quite nauseous and sickening. Upon first arriving in Kuwait, most people experience some type of upper respiratory distress from unavoidably breathing in all the filth and dust that is a constant in that operating environment. What will the long term effects of this exposure be? I don't know.

I made it home, safe and sound. But it didn't take long for me to realize that my mind was still overseas conducting business as usual. It became apparent to me that I was wound a little too tight -- as taut as a piano string, to be exact. Unwinding, or turning it off, however, proved to take more effort than I assumed it would. "They" say this is normal.

I now find that I am more sensitive to noise, have demands for more personal space, and obsess a little more about cleanliness. I'm astute enough to realize that my new idiosyncratic behavior is directly related to my experiences while overseas. Now I am more like those who I served with, those who have endured more than one deployment.

And so I have changed. It is difficult for others to understand why I have changed. After all, I wasn't wounded. Or was I?

There is a child in my life who thinks I am a hero – a point which is certainly debatable. He was simply happy that I returned home in one piece -- at least he thought I was in one piece -- and ready to start our lives over from the point at which we left off. However, it fast became apparent to him that I am not the same person he knew before I left and he is confused by that. He wants the "old me" back and so do I. It is painful and disappointing for both of us.

It is also disheartening to me that there are so many who served in Desert Storm who became ill as a result of their exposure to dirt, dust, burning oil, chemicals, drugs the military gave them to protect them, and God knows what else. Some are still waiting on a diagnosis and treatment after all these years. And the reality of the Vietnam Veterans, scorned for their participation in a war that had little public support, scarred by their experiences and denied treatment, is painfully sad. Will the Veterans of this war suffer the same mistreatments? Will we be diagnosed later in life with some unnameable disease, the source of which cannot be identified? Again, I don't know.

I see homeless people on the street, some of them obviously Veterans, and now I understand why they are in the situation they are. They were wounded, physically and mentally, and society has cast them aside. Has the War on Terrorism created another generation of people who will suffer the same plight? We are already seeing the answer to this question being unveiled in the press. Think of Walter Reed when you read this.

Still, I am lucky. Health care for Vets has vastly improved over the course of the United States' involvement in world conflicts. PTSD wasn't even recognized as a valid medical condition until well after the Vietnam War had concluded and thousands of Vets were wandering the streets with undiagnosed medical and psychological conditions. Thankfully Vets now have access to free medical screenings and counseling following deployments. I just hope that those who need it take advantage of it.

While visiting a local Vet Center, a counselor told me that he had just recently spoken with a WWII Vet who confided in him, after 60 years of holding it in, all the horrible things he witnessed during the war. 60 years. That's a long time to repress something like that, but thank God that man finally had the opportunity to unload it on someone. Some never have that opportunity. Some never readjust.

It has taken longer to "demobilize" myself and readjust than I originally thought it would. I have lots of memories from my deployments, both good and bad. They will always be with me and they have shaped me into the person I am today. And from that I gain my new reality.

My new reality is that this is what happens to service members who are willing to pack up their bags and deploy to some far away, unfriendly region of the world, enduring the hardships of life away from family and friends, and the uncertainty of what the next day will bring. Some do it over and over. My deployment was easier than most and yet it effected me in a lasting way. I can only imagine what issues other service members and their families are facing.

All who have served, including their families, have sacrificed a portion of themselves for what they believe in the most... service... freedom... religious tolerance... and many other things that our society cherishes. Please don't forget what they have sacrificed for you. Please don't forget them.