Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Violence in Iran - The Next "OIF"?

"Supporters of Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi fight running battles with riot police on Saturday, June 20, in Tehran. Several thousand defied an ultimatum from Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an end to protests over last week's disputed presidential election results."
and Getty Images

Friday, June 19, 2009

Extremeism, Conspiracy Theories, Mental Illness, Toxic Leaders.... What Shapes Current Events?

• Recruiting Station Shooting In Little Rock
At 1049, June 1, 2009, two Army Soldiers (H-RAP – Hometown Recruiter Augmentation Personnel) were hit by gunfire from a drive-by shooter operating a black SUV while standing outside an Army-Navy recruiting.

• Holocaust Museum Shooting June 10 Washington, DC
A lone gunman, age 88, entered through the front doors of the museum and began shooting a 22 Cal. Long Rifle. One security guard was killed and one was injured. The Gunman has affiliations with White Supremacist Groups and a Federal Conviction for entering the Federal Reserve and attempting to take hostages.